New Year, Same Shit

Happy New Year! Or is it? Ya’ll gotta watch this:

Now if my wife talked about me the same way this woman talks up her man, my heart would stop. I’d have to pay for compliments like this. I just had a text discussion with her. As usual, there was a misunderstanding about my schedule. But even more than that, she asked me to post my my night schedule in our shared calendar app for the month so she would know when I’m working at night. I did exactly that. I even annotated which work sessions should be short ones. I typically don’t work from home the next day if its a short one but on longer ones, I do so I wanted to make sure there was a difference between the 2 in the calendar. STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I’m really looking forward to the day the Lord takes me home from this shithole. I can’t believe this is the type of life He intended for me to live. I just told someone the other day that I no longer pray for peace. She asked why and I said because its like praying for patience.

By wannabemgtow

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