I’ll Show Him

A young lady came home from a date, rather sad.
She told her mother: “Jeff proposed to me an hour ago.”
“Then why are you so sad?” her mother asked.
“Because he also told me he was an atheist. Mom, he doesn’t even believe there’s a hell.”
Her mother replied: “Marry him anyway. Between the two of us, we’ll show him how wrong he is.”

By wannabemgtow

How Jesus Sees Her

I usually DO look at her the same way He does….which is down at her…..after being nailed to the cross by her……

By wannabemgtow

Rocket League Rant

Hey retards,

we are playing competitive…..when it’s 10-2 there’s no reason to help the other team continue to pad their stats. PLEASE VOTE FOR THE FORFEIT YOU MORONS!! The match making on this game is like a virgin guy in a Vegas whore house….it’s a fantastic game but my Lord, the match making service sucks ass!!


By wannabemgtow